Happy February :)

Happy  February! Despite the fact that this kid has gotten two teeth in the past two weeks  (one on top, one on the bottom- pic...


Despite the fact that this kid has gotten two teeth in the past two weeks 
(one on top, one on the bottom- pictures to come!), 
he's still his happy self most of the time!
And even though he won't nap today, he's sitting here laughing at me and blowing rasberries, walking along the couch and throwing everything he can reach onto the ground, and harassing the dogs :)


By the way, they reset the votes over at Top Baby Blogs, and i'm here asking for YOUR vote. 
You can vote once a day, and it would be highly appreciated!
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Thank you guys!

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  1. I'm just catching up on your blog and WOW - you certainly have been through a lot. I hope that life is calming down a bit and you are finding every moment possible to be happy, because you absolutely deserve it. Porter is getting so big! My son Jackson just got his top two teeth as well and he took it a lot better than the bottom for some reason!

    Loving the teletubby pic!

  2. Thanks :) Life is getting better for sure- I move into a new place on the 15th and I can't wait!


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