InstaFriday (a day late, as usual)
2:37 PMMy niece and her friend slept over :) Bella on the indo board Food colored shaving cream is always a hit! Resting, haha Drivi...
2:42 PMLast weekend, I was super stressed out about a lot of stuff, and all I could think about was just getting away from everything- just me and...
Catfish Review
7:30 AMThis movie. First of all, I absolutely love documentaries. This one did not disappoint. I first heard of it on Facebook, through a fr...
9:44 PMIt's a quote kind of night... { source } { source } { source } { source } { source } { source }
Miss you
11:05 PMJust got off work. P is with his Nina (Jeremy's mom) for the night. I miss him. Wanna know what I do when he's gone and I mis...
12:18 PMNot too many pics this week... Bath time with Mama :) Obsessed with his new chapstick I bought him Vday present Dave and Buster...
No more cable!
5:59 PMI'm doing it, finally. No more cable. There are so many other ways to watch tv and movies, and for CHEAPER. Like, way cheaper. ...
InstaFriday (late, again)
2:32 PMaddicted. being cute. lunch. climbing the bear after swimming at the rec center. being pouty. kid colors on everything. grr...
New layout!
9:56 AMFor all of you people who read this in Google Reader, take a second to head over to my blog on your internet browser and take a look ...
Then and now...
10:56 PMBefore Porter, life really was so different, not better or worse, but different. BUT, there are those "little things" that wer...
Amazing boy.
12:43 AMThis little boy. I cried today. Details left out, but I did. You wanna know what he did? He came over and looked at me with this...
11:55 PMThis now sits in my bathroom. When do I start? How do I know when he's ready? Will he EVER be ready? Help!!
12:19 PMNot sure exactly why i'm posting these ridiculous pictures of myself when I was younger, but here ya go, haha. Eat your hearts out ...