Thanks, a lot.
1:07 AM
You can't make everyone happy, you just can't.
Especially when they won't even give you the chance to know you.
I wish I could write so much more in detail of what I actually want to say in this post, but I can't.
I didn't want to take anything away from anyone else, ever- and I never did that.
I just found something that not many people find and
I wish it had been supported by the people who mean the most.
It's going to hurt, because losing someone always does- but time heals I guess.
I will never begin to understand why a person wouldn't want to see the most
important people in their life happy.
I'll never get it.
Two hearts are broken,
and for what?
You win.
Even though it should never have had to be a choice between me and you,
you win.
I can only hope that I will be successful in teaching Porter that.
That's all.
Back soon with the Star Pillow Tutorial.
Here's a little preview...
(someone obviously really likes them)
Goodnight my friends.