
I literally didn't know I was missing something so huge in my life until I got this bad boy for Christmas (Thanks Aunt Colleen!). The...

I literally didn't know I was missing something so huge in my life until I got this bad boy for Christmas (Thanks Aunt Colleen!). The SimpleHuman Sensor Mirror. How the heck did I ever pluck my eyebrows without this? How did I apply any sort of makeup without this? It is seriously so freaking amazing. It turns itself on when you sit in front of it, and then back off when you move away. The LED lights are the best. It plugs in the wall to recharge and lasts about 5 weeks between charges. It LOOKS cool sitting...

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These little moments crack me up on the daily. I definitely tell him no, often, but i don't shake my finger like that. I don't ...

These little moments crack me up on the daily. I definitely tell him no, often, but i don't shake my finger like that. I don't think i've ever done that. He spends a couple nights a week with his dad and his dad's few roommates, so maybe that's where he picked it up? But the whole point is, is that it's awesome to watch him learn new things, literally, by the second.  I walked into the room as he was dong this. He had asked for milk and I told him no, that he could have water. So...

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Ok so I am realizing that I am SOOOO not dependable.... I can't stop blogging. I just can't do it. BUT. I am starting over, in ...

Ok so I am realizing that I am SOOOO not dependable.... I can't stop blogging. I just can't do it. BUT. I am starting over, in a whole new fresh place/address whatever. So i'm here to say....i'll be back. Wait for it... ...

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For a long time now, Porter will give me my phone. Like, if it's sitting on the table, he'll grab it and hand it to me. He will do ...

For a long time now, Porter will give me my phone. Like, if it's sitting on the table, he'll grab it and hand it to me. He will do that with just about anybody's phone. If it's sitting there, he must put it in your hand. I've noticed this for a long time now and never really thought much about it until lately. I'm not sure when I really "realized" it, but it kinda sunk it that he thinks that i'm supposed to always have my phone...sadly, because he always sees me with it. If it's sitting there...

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 It's been pretttttty cold here, as I think most of us are dealing with. But we bundled up yesterday (before it got too cold out) and ...

 It's been pretttttty cold here, as I think most of us are dealing with. But we bundled up yesterday (before it got too cold out) and played in the snow for a while. Besides that, we've pretty much been stuck in the house for over two days and i'm starting to get stir crazy. My car is currently covered in prob 6-8 inches of snow and does not look inviting, at all.  I rearranged our bedroom and made P a little area of his own...kinda hard to tell in this pic, but it's awesome and P is enjoying...

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