Scheduling attempts...

Why hello :) It's been a couple days! I feel like the days FLY BY with Porter here now. All the sudden I realize that it's 5pm and i...

Why hello :) It's been a couple days! I feel like the days FLY BY with Porter here now. All the sudden I realize that it's 5pm and i'm like "Where the heck did the day go??!" Today was a good day though. I opted to get up at 8:30ish when Porter was done eating, and assumed he would get up too because he usually does at that time (often times we both go back to sleep after that feeding until 10 or 11) but this morning he went back to sleep right after he got done eating, so I had some ME time in the morning! That hasn't happened since before he was born.
He has been going to bed lately between 7:30-8:30pm and waking up a few times to eat through out the night/next morning. I give him a bath every night usually after he eats and then swaddle him (he really won't sleep without me doing it), hold him for a little bit and usually he falls asleep in my arms and I put him in his bed. 
I'm really glad we are starting to get some sort of schedule down. Well, at night anyways. During the days he pretty much eats/sleeps when he wants. I guess that's what we'll work on next? But I am def a schedule kind of person, so i'll be happy when we've got some sort of schedule down! Then it'll be easier to plan OTHER things. 

So this picture is funny/not very appealing. Porter was not happy to be getting his picture taken in this position apparently, haha. But I wanted to post it to show you guys his hair. He was born with a TON of really dark brown hair. Well, over half of that fell out, and what is growing in now is REALLY light. Hmmm. Haha. It's a weird pic because the flash and the hair isn't really what it looks like in real life, but yea.

An old table I had. It use to be filled with concert ticket stubs and now it's filled with pics of Porter :) 

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  1. My youngest sons hair did the exact same thing. He was born with a ton of dark curly hair and now it's blonde snt and straight.

    That is such a cool table!!


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