Day 3- Things that make me uncomfortable

{check out the link on the left sidebar over there <---- i'm taking part in the "Blog every day in May Challenge} Day 3 ...

{check out the link on the left sidebar over there <----
i'm taking part in the "Blog every day in May Challenge}

Day 3
"Things that make you uncomfortable"

This is a hard one. I don't get "uncomfortable" very easily I guess...

~ When people ask me to take sides right there and then. Hate it.
~ Public speaking. Always so uncomfortable right before hand, but once I get going it's not bad.
~ When people misspell words, or use the wrong word instead of the right one (i.e. they're, their, there). The part that makes me uncomfortable is the fact that I feel the need to correct it, but don't want to be annoying, ha.
~ Shopping for clothes with other people, especially boyfriends. I like to shop alone for clothes, period. Anything else is fine, just clothes...
~ Wearing socks. Especially in bed. HATE SOCKS.

And that's probably about it. There may be more, but can't think of anything else at the moment. 

And a picture because no blog post is cool without a picture :)
The many faces of Porter...

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