Goodbye Cavalier

Lots of changes happening in my life right now...more on that when things are more confirmed. (hence the lack of posts with much substance) ...

Lots of changes happening in my life right now...more on that when things are more confirmed.
(hence the lack of posts with much substance)

Good news. Sold my old Cavalier last night! I put it on Craigs and it sold within 2 days, for exactly the amount I was asking. SCORE. I'm kinda sad to see that car go, but I need the money right now. But we've been through a lot! It's lived in Illinois, Michigan and Colorado with me. Went through some college years, and the move out to CO.

Also, I'm kind of confused about something. When do I consider Porter to be a month old? This Thursday it will be 4 weeks technically, but on April 3rd would be a "month" from when he was born on March 3rd. So really what is considered a month? The same date, or 4 weeks? Anyone with a child have any advice on this???

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  1. You have to go by dates, not weeks. If you went by weeks, he'd be way more than 12 months by his first birthday. So, on April 3rd, he'll be a month and on May 3rd he'll be two months.

  2. I always just told people how many weeks old my daughter just seemed easier! And then when weeks got to be too much counting, I switched to months, and go by the actual month date. Make sense? lol it really should not be so confusing, should it?!

  3. I go by his birthday as well. so on april 15th aidric will be 16 months.

  4. i sold my cavalier the a couple weeks after my first son was born. it felt way too small to be putting a carseat in!

    we are neighbors on TBB, so i thought i'd stop by and say hello. :)

  5. I was confused about that as well, but I just go by the date.


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