my other beat

I GOT MY FETAL DOPPLER THIS MORNING! And...I can hear the baby's heartbeat!!! I absolutely LOVE this purchase (well, rental)...score!! B...

I GOT MY FETAL DOPPLER THIS MORNING! And...I can hear the baby's heartbeat!!! I absolutely LOVE this purchase (well, rental)...score!!

Baby Gooch! :) (turn your sound up. you also don't have to download it, it just plays when the website opens)
Click here ----> Baby's Heartbeat!

Thanks SO MUCH Babybeat!!

Charlotte gave us our first baby present today...i LOVE it!

And we got this at Sam's Club last night...

A water machine! I've been complaining about how crappy our water tastes and worried about what's in it so now we have fresh, clean, delicious water...and it's freezing cold all the time! :)

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