So, I have kept this topic out of my blog for a reason...but I feel as though it is time to bring it up- Smoking cigs. I've smoked for 9...

So, I have kept this topic out of my blog for a reason...but I feel as though it is time to bring it up-

Smoking cigs. I've smoked for 9 or 10 years, and was up to almost a pack a day, give or take a few. When I found out I was pregnant, I gave myself a week to quit (I was too weak and claimed I couldn't quit cold turkey). I immediately stopped smoking nearly as much and went to smoking a couple a day, only taking a couple drags at a time. Well, almost 2 weeks went by and I couldn't cut down any more. So 3 nights ago, I got rid of all cigs around the house, cleaned out the ashtrays, put away all of the lighters, and told myself that when I woke the next day, I would be done. I told Jeremy to get rid of his, hide them or throw them away (because he said he would be done when I officially quit, and I didn't want them around to tempt me).

So that's what I did. It's been 2 days and it's harder than ever...BUT I'M DOING IT! And man am I proud of myself! But this morning, I found a whole BRAND NEW PACK in Jeremy's car. So much for being supportive. So much for keeping your word. So much for helping me out with this one. Sorry I had to get them wet and throw them away that very moment. Well, no i'm not.

But whatever. I couldn't be more proud of myself than I am at this moment. I know it took too long, and I feel so terrible that I was that selfish, but now I can officially say that i'm done....and I did it ON MY OWN. Holler.!.!

It's been a long 2 days. Been super emotional and feeling as though I don't have the support here that I need and want. Makes me feel like I want to be at home with my family. I think about that every single day...

But who can't smile when this mumchk is laying next to you?

Lola the mumchk :)

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