Sponsor Swap, Someone?

Well hello! I have never sponsored any blogs, nor have I ever been sponsored on another blog- but I thought I might give it a try {if no one...

Well hello! I have never sponsored any blogs, nor have I ever been sponsored on another blog- but I thought I might give it a try {if no one responds, let's just pretend this post didn't happen, ok? ok}.

I love reading blogs, and tons of the blogs i'm currently reading I found through guest posts, or sponsor posts, or just being mentioned on another blog. So I would like to give that opportunity to people who come to my blog~ the opportunity to become addicted to more blogs :)

I get on average 300-400 views a day.
I tweet.
& I pinterest.

So if you are interested in the slightest to do a sponsor trade, shoot me an email and let's chat!


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  1. I am very interested...I've never done any of the sponsoring/swapping stuff, but I'd like to :)


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