Elk in the yard!

Whoa I haven't written in 4 days. That's a record, by far! :) Well, nothing too exciting to write about. The owner of our house was ...

Whoa I haven't written in 4 days. That's a record, by far! :) Well, nothing too exciting to write about. The owner of our house was in town (his job moved him to Copenhagen, Denmark) and he wanted to come walk through the house to "check up on us" apparently. SO DUMB. So I cleaned the house really well (even though it's usually clean for the most part, it's really weird having someone come into your home and critique how you are living, so I wanted the house perfect).

Our friend Jeremy has been in town for the past couple of days and him and Charlotte have been hanging out here, it's been fun :) Last night, we went to Yamn (again). They opened for Mountain Standard Time with special guest Michael Kang (the mandolin player from String Cheese Incident). SO MUCH FUN! I'm so excited that I don't get so tired so early anymore, I can make it through at least half of the headlining band now, haha. WOOHOO! Here's some pics (click to enlarge)...

Mountain Standard Time with Michael Kang


Me and Charlotte

Today, for the first time in a whiiiile....there were like 50 elk walking around in our yard and the neighbors yard. I took a bunch of pics, but want to make a point to say that they do the size of these things NO justice. They are HUGE! They can just step over our 4 foot fence. Some of them (the papa elks anyways) are probably a good 6 feet tall...and then some if you include their giant antlers. I see these all of the time here, but it never gets old. They are so much fun to watch. There were even babies today, who make the cutest noises everrr. You can hear them having conversations with the mama elks...it's beautiful :) Here's some pics of our elk friends...

Walking by the opening of my driveway

HUGEST papa elk out there

Another papa and some mamas taking a rest while eating some grass in my backyard

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