Adventures! v.1

Traveling is my passion in life, for sure. I grew up camping and visiting places all over the country, learning about new cultures and wa...

Traveling is my passion in life, for sure. I grew up camping and visiting places all over the country, learning about new cultures and ways of life. 

Marquette, MI.

When I was old enough, I wanted to move somewhere different from home- from what I knew my whole life. Don't get me wrong, I love my family so much and get along amazingly with them, but I wanted to see a new place. I ended up choosing Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI. In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to be exact (that's above Wisconsin for those of you who have no idea where the UP is, haha). It was about an 8 hour drive from home- far enough away that it felt different and new and exciting, yet close enough that I could go home for a long weekend no problem.
I had many amazing adventures and experiences during the 5 years I lived in Marquette. I met so many amazing people who I am still friends with today.

In the summertime, this is a waterfall. During the looong winter (i'm talking 8 months or longer up there) the waterfalls freeze and create ice caves. We would hike in the snow to get to them, and when the sun was right, you could go inside and the sun would reflect through the icicles.
So amazing :)


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