
Help! I am going to buy a new camera soon and know nothing about them :( I know I want a DSLR, and I want to spend less than $1000 (hopefull...

I am going to buy a new camera soon and know nothing about them :(
I know I want a DSLR, and I want to spend less than $1000 (hopefully that price will include a lens or two?). And because I am not an avid photographer, I want something that's not extremely complicated to use.
So does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

P.S. I am selling my awesome video camera in order to buy a DSLR...if anyone is interested!

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  1. I have a canon rebel and love it - it wasn't too spendy when I bought it and that was 4 1/2 years ago.

  2. I also have the canon rebel, i think it was about 700 and i LOVE it

  3. I have the cannon rebel too! I have never had a problem with it, and am not a photographer either. :)

  4. everyone keeps telling me the have the canon rebel but not which one! there are a bunch of different ones! which one do you all have??

  5. Joan,

    I have the Canon Rebel XSI (I think--the most expensive one). It's good, takes good pics, etc. I think I would def. upgrade the lens to something better, something that takes the focus of the pic and makes it sharper (like a more professional look).



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